We at Ritten Wealth Management have two account types. The first account type is a Brokerage account and the second is an Advisory account. The difference between the two accounts is the way we charge for our service and the products that are available.


Brokerage Accounts


For Brokerage accounts we buy and sell Mutual funds ETFs and individual stocks for clients with a cost per transaction


Mutual funds can be purchased in different class structures that can create different pricing models. The most common share classes are A shares and C shares 


A shares have a front load sales charge max charge is 5.75% reducing to 0% for purchases above 1 million dollars, this is known as breakpoints and these breakpoints vary by mutual fund companies 


C shares have no upfront sales charge but have an increased maintenance expense known as 12b1 Expense. 12b1 expenses can differ between different fund companies. The max an investor can invest in C shares is $250,000. The investor can incur a 1% charge if redeemed within 12 months 


Here at RWM we value our customers' desire to keep fees low and we keep these fees in mind when we select which mutual funds we recommend to our clients. 


For individual stock brokerage accounts commission charge will vary based on 2 factors If the investor solicits the trade or if a member of the Ritten Wealth Management team recommends the trade.


If the investor solicits trade the minimum charge is $40


If RWM solicits trade the investor will incur a full-service commission charge which will vary based on size of investment. All fees will be discussed before any purchases made.


Advisory Account

For our Advisory business we at RWM charge an annual fee of no more than 2% and we cover the cost for any trades placed in our advisory accounts. The annual fee varies based on the type of account and the amount invested with us. All fees are discussed and presented so any investor with RWM knows what the annual charge is before starting to invest with RWM.

For any questions concerning the fee structure complete the interest form or contact us via phone call or email to set up a consultation.